Sunday, 24 September 2017


Success is a dream that everyone desires yet as it stands everyone is successful. It is never perfect, that explains the compelling drive even after making large strides towards reaching it. People always feel like there is always some more to be done. As elusive as success may be, some feel a measure of it despite the clear knowledge they have that they have not gotten to the destination they desired.
How to be successful
To be successful, you first have to feel successful. It is important to appreciate the far you have come from despite the vivid clarity of the miles you have to go. If you do not have a clear picture of how far you have walked towards a dream, you may find yourself walking back.
Quit complaining
Complaining never solved any problem. Always be optimistic even when everything is grim. Remember that you are better today than you were yesterday. Even if you had a good job yesterday and lost it, thank God that you had some experience. So you are far better than you were before you got it.
Live a simple life; it will always be admirable. Do what you have the chance to do today perfectly. It is the key to your success.
Have the desire

No one and no book will give you the desire succeed and make it burn, you have to find it and light it.
Desire can be grown; it does not have to be born burning. But you can nurture it to burn till it is infectious. Believe it will come to pass and it shall surely come to pass. Remember, no one and no book will give you the desire to succeed and make it burn, you have to find it and light it.

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