Tuesday 9 August 2016


The world you live in is first inside you then outside you. The most important thing is always the perspective you have of it. The world and events around us respond to our perspective of them, whether we fail or succeed is dependent on our perspective of life. Life is constantly creating scenarios that we have to respond to. How we respond to them will determine how the people and the things around us respond. Their response will determine what is given to us and what is taken away from us.
It is always our hope that we act most appropriately to events around us. But the natural self-centered nature of man always gets us off the mark. It is hard to distance one from self, but it is good to be controlled by honesty and truth. Strengthen your perspective of truth and justice so that you overcome pain and suffering. Honest and just living should be your highest goal in life, that way you will be less likely to suffer pain.
Do not judge the people around you so harshly, know that they are responding to the things in them and around them. Most of the time they are responding to their perspective of the world and many times you will be their victim. Calm down and understand yourself. Keep an open mind and seek calm to be your highest goal. Fight hard to obtain serene emotions at all times, take deliberate steps like thinking of good things and thanking for them. Try sometimes to stop thinking. Other times close your eyes and give up the control of your mind, let the thoughts that desire to go through them.

Once in a while make conscious decisions on the emotions you want to feel towards events. Above everything, love truth.

Wednesday 30 March 2016


Over the year, the world has seen great technological and material progress than has ever been in history. These have been motivated by the desire to bring about human happiness. This has however not been achieved; this progress has only succeeded in putting more pressure on the people they were supposed to lift the burden off their shoulders. As much as these tools of life have the capacity to make life easier and supposedly happier, the constant struggle to get more and more is becoming a burden. People have forgotten to take care of themselves in this pursuit for more. The more they acquire every day, the previous things become junk and a new passion to get something new comes in. This tendency is addictive; slowly you find yourself dependent on purchasing new.
To achieve that which people have been pursuing over the years, you need to have a simple and efficient life. Understand the economics of living, how can you make life more efficient, live effectively without losing that which is of the greatest value in your life.
This is the root of most unhappiness, the race to be on top. Wish to have the most recent smartphone, the latest car, and the best. It is not wrong to desire and have these things if h having them adds value to your daily life. However, you should be careful to have everything only within your means. Always look at what you have to forego if you bought whatever you desire to buy. Consider if you have another that serves the same purpose as the one you desire to purchase. If you have another, do you need two of them or you could be better off selling the previous one before or after buying the new one you desire? Avoid buying things out of impulse but out of need.
Overcome impulse
It is easy to feel a strong pull towards an item that attracts you. It is however prudent to walk past and allow yourself time to think about it. Avoid buying things on impulse and plan your monthly purchases. Always pass by the things you desire the most, allow yourself a month or two. If you still find there is the need to have it, plan to purchase it.
Avoid credit purchases
Most times people find it hard to spend the money they already have on things they need. However, this only puts on your pocket pressure tomorrow. You soon find your earnings flowing to credits till a time comes when you earn no money but live entirely on credit. Credit is addictive, and it is also very stressful. I can assure you that it is worse than poverty to be in debt.
If you have a large credit balance, get help on how to complete it. Once your credit is over, get started on fitting your spending within your monthly earnings.
 Your peace is not in what you wish to have. That is just an impulse that can go either direction.

Monday 28 March 2016


Being easy and at peace with one’s self is life’s greatest goal. It brings joy to the heart and relieves us from our struggles.  This has the power to unite us with all that is and separate us from all of it. It gives us a feeling almost supernatural.

No one can help you find this path, but it is upon every breathing soul to find strength to reach this height. Every person finds his or her light that brings him closer to his maker, where you find peace. Struggle to define self against the human standards will only do as good as make you feel miserable.

True peace is gotten from deep within. That is why all great teachers found their peace inside themselves through getting above themselves. Live a simple life, work and find peace in being thankful.

Coming soon