Wednesday 23 December 2015


It has always amazed me that everyone thinks and dreams of being wealthy, but what makes all the differences. That one person is very rich, and another is very poor. No one ever thinks of failing in life but why does one find himself on a climbing ladder while another finds himself on a slope gliding to an abyss of poverty.

Sometimes you wonder why people may do the same job, and another works even harder than the other. The other seems to prosper while the other seems to dwindle on the downward trend.

The answer is simple; the light is inside you, put there by God. You only need His light to travel it, but the truth is that the future has always been inside you. It is only a few that find time to look inside. The eye can only see the glamour, but the inside can see the work that is ahead. The eyes, the ears and the nose can only be used to measure what is going on inside.

Till you find the path inside, outside treasure is nothing but the burning city of lust and pleasure. The path inside you is a path of that leads you out of it. Walk straight ahead in it and never look back, lest you turn into a pillar of salt. This simply means that create a strategy to get yourself where you wish and for nothing in the world should you give up when you do. All that you have done could be lost in a second.

You may land on fortune, but if you never discipline your heart, it is worth nothing. It is therefore of importance that if you have a dream, find a way and have the discipline to pursue it.

Tuesday 15 December 2015


It is one of my most beautiful works, if you ever enjoy reading my blogs, I believe it will be a good read for you. It will be a motivation for further research and better work if you can give a review after reading it.

Saturday 12 December 2015


If you can see the flow of life and see how things change, you will never hold on to anything. But trust only the purpose your life is dedicated to. You will not find any reason to hate anyone or hold on to those who wish to walk away. You will not judge harshly those who have betrayed you or think so good those who have done you great things. You will judge each circumstance as it is and trust life to go on well.

Life changes, people change, but the wise find a solid ground and watch life rotate. It all seem to be out of order till you see how orderly it is. Everything else will change, and they are hard to be trusted. Mostly we can see the surface only. But you can always trust that you can see your own heart and paint it. With its imperfections, you can trust it to walk with you to your purpose.

You only begin to see when you begin to see your inside. You are truly lost when you look at others and follow them. Trust your inside, for there in God puts a light to guide you to the truth that you must know. It is far better to get lost in a strange city than to get lost in your own heart. Everything shifts, but your heart is in you to be watched by you. Find yourself and you will never fear getting lost in this strange world of men and women.

Monday 7 December 2015


The world is extremely orderly, but it is because of the strength of rippling chaos. Even the chaos that ripples through life is extremely orderly. If you look at life keenly, you will notice distinctly chaos and order. I have come to appreciate that chaos unite to create the beautiful order that we desire. Without chaos that exists underneath every splendor of order. The disorder is the energy that drives all forms of life and makes it beautiful.

Discomfort is inbuilt into life to make life move. Without discomfort life would be quiet and dull, many people would not work.
It is the duty of every leader to earnest the energy in chaos and create order out of it. Genius looks for a disorder to ride to the next level day of history. It is more hopeful if people have a problem than when they are free of them. Our role in each passing day is creating order; therefore life must be naturally chaotic to make men and all the creation to go about.

Has it ever occurred to you that too much comfort is a real problem? Has it ever occurred to you that you are likely to create a problem when you realize that there is none? One simple fact is that our problems and discomforts are the vibrations and rhythm of life. They connect us and make us work together, become friends and sometimes enemies.

Beneath the perfect order, chaos is the energy that runs life. Today I challenge you to stop looking at the order around you and see chaos. From what you think is problematic and chaotic, you will see flawless order.

Friday 4 December 2015


Has it ever occurred to you that there is some power in the place you are? Has it also ever occurred to you that there is a specific duty that you should be fulfilling in each place you find yourself in? Every person you come across has some prevailing circumstances in their lives, whether they sit at home or go to work.  But if you walk out of your door to the open cold, you can see clearly what the future is like. The future is outside your door, it is some inches out into where you are ashamed of or you fear to venture.
Many times when you find yourself in place, you will find that you have some duties assigned to you in that place. Not by anybody, but by the virtue of being in that place. You may feel that the work is perfect for you; sometimes you may feel that you are way above the task. Most people with ambitions always wish to find themselves in the hearts of the desires of their hearts. They never consider that the humblest duties allow them to learn about their desires.
When you get a chance to do something, get to do it like it is the only thing that can be done in this wide world. Anything that your hand finds to do that is well done remains just done by you. The same is true for what your hands find to do and it is poorly done. There is glory in all tasks that are accomplished well; there is no glory in any task that is poorly done however much you hate doing what you have to do.
The world will only respond to the work of your hands. If your humblest task was done well, the world will respect you. If it was poorly done, the world will question your merit for the bigger duties that you wish to have. It is therefore your sole duty to make sure that your presence in a place counts, whether it is only you in the wide world that will appreciate what you have done. Or the whole world would see and cheer.
Your value in a place or a position is not merely your presence in that place, but the impact that leaves from your location. If you are a cleaner in your company, clean in a way that other cleaners will wish to be you. Always accomplish tasks in a way that you would like to look twice after it is done.
Remember that in whichever place you find yourself, you have a duty. Aways have in mind that all work that is well done is always rewarded.