Monday 7 December 2015


The world is extremely orderly, but it is because of the strength of rippling chaos. Even the chaos that ripples through life is extremely orderly. If you look at life keenly, you will notice distinctly chaos and order. I have come to appreciate that chaos unite to create the beautiful order that we desire. Without chaos that exists underneath every splendor of order. The disorder is the energy that drives all forms of life and makes it beautiful.

Discomfort is inbuilt into life to make life move. Without discomfort life would be quiet and dull, many people would not work.
It is the duty of every leader to earnest the energy in chaos and create order out of it. Genius looks for a disorder to ride to the next level day of history. It is more hopeful if people have a problem than when they are free of them. Our role in each passing day is creating order; therefore life must be naturally chaotic to make men and all the creation to go about.

Has it ever occurred to you that too much comfort is a real problem? Has it ever occurred to you that you are likely to create a problem when you realize that there is none? One simple fact is that our problems and discomforts are the vibrations and rhythm of life. They connect us and make us work together, become friends and sometimes enemies.

Beneath the perfect order, chaos is the energy that runs life. Today I challenge you to stop looking at the order around you and see chaos. From what you think is problematic and chaotic, you will see flawless order.

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