Friday 4 December 2015


Has it ever occurred to you that there is some power in the place you are? Has it also ever occurred to you that there is a specific duty that you should be fulfilling in each place you find yourself in? Every person you come across has some prevailing circumstances in their lives, whether they sit at home or go to work.  But if you walk out of your door to the open cold, you can see clearly what the future is like. The future is outside your door, it is some inches out into where you are ashamed of or you fear to venture.
Many times when you find yourself in place, you will find that you have some duties assigned to you in that place. Not by anybody, but by the virtue of being in that place. You may feel that the work is perfect for you; sometimes you may feel that you are way above the task. Most people with ambitions always wish to find themselves in the hearts of the desires of their hearts. They never consider that the humblest duties allow them to learn about their desires.
When you get a chance to do something, get to do it like it is the only thing that can be done in this wide world. Anything that your hand finds to do that is well done remains just done by you. The same is true for what your hands find to do and it is poorly done. There is glory in all tasks that are accomplished well; there is no glory in any task that is poorly done however much you hate doing what you have to do.
The world will only respond to the work of your hands. If your humblest task was done well, the world will respect you. If it was poorly done, the world will question your merit for the bigger duties that you wish to have. It is therefore your sole duty to make sure that your presence in a place counts, whether it is only you in the wide world that will appreciate what you have done. Or the whole world would see and cheer.
Your value in a place or a position is not merely your presence in that place, but the impact that leaves from your location. If you are a cleaner in your company, clean in a way that other cleaners will wish to be you. Always accomplish tasks in a way that you would like to look twice after it is done.
Remember that in whichever place you find yourself, you have a duty. Aways have in mind that all work that is well done is always rewarded.

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