Saturday 10 October 2015


I once met a phrase that said; if life served you lemons you should create lemonades. No situation in this world comes without an opportunity.  The Chinese have a proverb that says; crisis is an opportunity riding on dangerous winds. Instead of sulking and sitting back we should be more adventurous to look for opportunities in unimaginable places.

However this takes some effort to rise above the feeling of despair and walk into the dangerous winds where your opportunities are. The truth is that most people who made it to their greatest height had a moment of crisis that made them rise to that spot you and me admire.

Tomorrow is a dream for all of us, however depending on whether you are optimistic or not. It will be a sweet dream or a nightmare.

 You may wonder what a man can do to change his attitude from despair to that one who is optimistic. You can try to do this as you go on facing the turbulent situation that you are in.
These are some things we can do to improve our tomorrow despite the situation of today.

Get a grip of yourself:
Accept that the situation is not good but it does not have to worry you because it cannot be that way forever. Have hope and believe that in that desperate situation there is possibly a way to whatever goal you desire to walk to.

Try to feel content:
Try to feel content but not complacent; by that, I mean that you should accept that if you are alive and still able to work you can still find a way out. Accept it ambitiously; accept it with a better focus on the future. Try to find even the smallest possibility of success and follow it till you find where it leads you to.

Set goals, little achievable goal:
It is the most important part that helps a person to strengthen belief in self. When you set goals, and you achieve them step by step, then you start seeing yourself as a winner. Achieving a goal, however little is the first step towards achieving greater goals. It is training and a conditioning that makes you believe in your ability to succeed.

Envision yourself where you desire to be:      
This is the best part; believe you will enjoy living. This with the tiny possible goals you have set put you forward for achieving success and leading a happier life.

Know the mission of your life:
This gives you the light of your day. It gives you a reason to exist in each day in the pursuit of your life goals. For instance, your life can make improving your social relations the mission of your life, being economically stable. This is in line with your long time vision, the life you ultimately desire.
Find the tactics that will lead you home:
Get the mechanism to approach the goal you desire to achieve. Do them in the order the success they give to you and satisfaction. You can always try to put the things you enjoy the last for two reasons. The first is that they can waste your time. The second is that they relieve the possible you may have had the whole day.
Start walking steadily knowing where you are headed:

Start walking to your destination steadily. Whatever you do, know where you are headed.

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