Friday 30 October 2015


Each day we wake, it is our desire to achieve the best in the day. We leave so much to pass us by because of the many reservations we have. We fail to conquer the side of us that always tend to drug us behind.

There are always two forces inside man and their value cannot be undermined. There is one that pushes and one that pulls. There is one that wants to forgive and the other wants revenge. There is one that wants and one that does not want. Thus there is a perfect world of men.

One of these forces always prevails at a time giving satisfaction that is instate and leads to regrets. Sometimes it gives satisfaction that is instant permanent and lastly sometimes it gives hope for future satisfaction

Above this forces that are always at war inside every man, there is a lump. The burning glory of right, it is above immediate satisfaction and sometimes above all satisfaction. It is the light of purpose the knowing what you are doing on earth.

Ask yourself, if the world was revolving in your own hand and you get bored seeing it, would you drop it? As you speak today, only God is above you and you are the center of the world, does it now mean you always get your way?

There are shear forces of desire and wishes, sometimes despair, but always remember you are a leader. Someone depends on your choices, you may never know. That someone may be alive, or will be born years to come.

 So the center must hold, above your wishes and desires the center must hold.

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